Hello Everyone! Welcome to the blog. In today’s post I give 5 poses ideas for your graduation pictures.
If you are planning on taking your graduation pictures soon this post will give you some ideas and guidance that you can share with your photographer.
1 Pose for graduation pictures: Gown over shoulder
This is a great picture because you show off your outfit and this pose is very flattering. On this picture you are going to hold your gown over your shoulder.
Also, if you decorated your cap for the graduation pictures this pose also gives you the chance to show off your cap.

You could also hold the sash on top of the gown over your shoulder and look back at the camera.

2 Pose for graduation pictures: Sitting down
The great majority of graduation pictures you see are standing up because properly posing someone sitting down in a flattering way is much harder.
When you hire a professional photographer you can be sure we know how to properly pose you for your graduation pictures.

When we add some sitting down poses you have more variety and your graduation pictures will be different.
3 Pose for graduation pictures: Standing up pose wearing your gown, sash and cap.
I really like this one because it is a very representative graduation picture.You are wearing the whole outfit: gown, sash and cap. I also like this one standing up so you can see whole sash.

I usually asks my grads to hold the sash and take a variety of pictures like looking at the camera or looking down at the sash.

4 Pose for graduation pictures: Close up
This is a very important one that sometimes can be overlooked. A close up will give us a closer look of your face and the accessories you decided to wear. Because let’s be honest you have put a lot of thought and effort into it.

Another thing I like doing is asking my grads to look away for one of those pictures and I leave some room on the side.

I have seen people using those graduation pictures for graduation announcements and invitations because the empty space is perfect to add text.
5 Pose for your graduation pictures: Show off your decorated cap
This one is a definitive must. You have put so much effort into decorating your cap, researching ideas and making it happen.
A good way of showing off your cap is having your back towards the camera and look up, this gives us a great view of the cap and can turn into a very iconic graduation picture.

You could also have some fun with your cap and throw it in the air. If you prefer to be on the safe side you can always hold it.

Bonus pose for your graduation pictures
6 Pose for your graduation pictures: Include your parents
This is a bonus idea and I think it it makes such a cute graduation picture. Your parents have been your number 1 fans from the day you were born, nobody in the world is more proud of you on your graduation day.

Include them in a couple of your pictures, I promise you will cherish those pictures with all your heart.
*This is my little sister with my mom and dad*
Those are the 5, well 6 poses for your graduation pictures. I hope you liked the blog post and found the information helpful while planning your graduation pictures.
If you prefer to watch a video version. Click here for the Youtube video.
Which pose for your graduation pictures was your favorite? Let me know in the comments.
If you are looking for a photographer to take your graduation pictures in San Diego send me a message, I’ll be happy to help.
I’d be so honored to be part of this huge achievement in your life!