Welcome! On this post you will know exactly what to do 6 months before your Quinceanera.
This is part number three on the: How to plan your quinceanera series. If you haven’t read the first two posts please go check them out, here are the links:
How to plan a Quinceanera – First 3 things you need to know
How to plan a Quinceanera – What to do 10 months before your Quinceanera party?
If you already read them then grab a drink grab your notebook and let’s do it!
Here is the video if you prefer to watch the video:
On the last post we covered all the vendors that you need to book and everything that you need to do 10 months before your quinceanera; now we are moving on to the eight to six months before your quinceanera mark.
The first thing you will want to do at this point is confirm with your Padrinos and especially if you’re having Padrinos that are kind of like sponsors.

You will also want to confirm with your court to make sure that your Damas and Chambelanes can actually, really commit to the rehearsals, wearing the dresses, shoes and outfits.
Because it’s a really big commitment to be part of a court so you want to make sure that they will be available and that they can make it and that they’re gonna show to rehearsals

Now you ideally already looked for and booked all the vendors that I told you on the 10 to 12 month mark and now you should have your choreographer booked and your court confirmed so you know exactly who your Damas are going to be and who your Chambelanes are going to be so you can start scheduling your dance rehearsals.
It doesn’t mean that you’re going to start rehearsing at this point this is going to depend a lot on your choreographer; they usually start around four months before the Quinceanera.
The bigger your court is, the harder is going to be for you to schedule a set date and time because you need to take into account more and more people. So make sure to check with all your court and find a couple of days and times that work for everyone.
At this point you just want to get on your choreographer’s calendar and make sure that he can reserve this time for you.

By now you know exactly who your Damas and Chambelanes are going to be, so now you can start thinking about what they’re going to wear.
Pinterest is the perfect place to look for different options, different dresses, different outfits so refer back to your Pinterest board. Check out the Quinceanera planning pinterest boards here!
There are some stores where you can also get the outfits for the Chambelanes and the dresses for the Damas so you can get everything in one place.
You could check an online at store or you can even go to a bridal dress shop and look through the bridesmaids dresses. Especially the short ones if you’re having your Quinceanera during summer, I think all those dresses look really really cute on the Damas.

For the chambelanes, you can look for a tuxedo rental place.
Your theme is going to help you decide on the outfits for the Damas and Chambelanes, if you don’t have a theme; select colors that match your dress or your Quinceanera colors.

Start thinking about transportation for the day of the Quinceanera. How are you going to get from like your house to the church? or from the church to the photoshoot location and How are you going to go from place to place the day of the Quinceanera.
You could even do different combinations, for example: you can do a party bus or a limo or you can do classic cars.

Another thing to look into at the eight to six months mark is invitations and save the dates for your Quinceanera. If you haven’t done it yet, if you haven’t hired someone to do your invitations and your save the dates. Do it now!
Write this down: the ideal time to send your save the dates is at least eight months before your Quinceanera. If you have them ready 10 months before the Quinceanera or a year before the Quinceanera; that’s even better! For people who need to travel internationally to make it to your Quinceanera send those no later than eight months before the Quinceanera
For the invitations: don’t wait any longer than six months before your Quinceanera to send them.

You need to figure out what you and your court are going to wear for the surprise dance. If you want to wear a dress that it’s like a shorter version of your Quinceanera dress you can actually purchase those at the same store where you bought your Quinceanera dress.
You can wear something that goes with your theme or with your colors.
For the court you can decide if you want them to wear, for example: white pants or black shorts and then you can also do personalized shirts.
All those things take time so it’s better if you start planning and preparing for all of this at this point.

I’m going to cover all the tiny things that you also need to take into account for the surprise dance outfit or for the Quinceanera dress.
This is the time to think about what kind of shoes you want to wear for your Quinceanera. There is no rule here saying what kind of shoes you need to wear.
You can wear sneakers, ballerina flats, high heels, it’s really up to you. I highly recommend that at least for the first part of your Quinceanera day; you wear super comfortable shoes, at least for the photo shoot.
Because during the photo shoot you are usually walking around a lot and you will be moving around so it’s easier and you’ll be more comfortable if you are wearing super comfortable shoes.

You can wear flats or sneakers and then for the reception, for the change of shoes part you can change into the high heels so you don’t have to wear them the whole day.
If you want to wear high heels the whole day and that is your thing, then go for it! Whatever you feel more comfortable on.
What kind of socks you are going to wear and what kind of underwear you’re gonna be wearing that day. Think of whatever works for your Quinceanera dress and for the surprise dance outfits. Make a list of all those small things that nobody sees but that that you need to keep in mind
What are you gonna want to wear for that day, like earrings, your necklace, bracelets. Whatever it is that you want to wear and start thinking about what goes better with your colors, with your dress and with the outfit that you’re gonna wear for the surprise dance. For example: Does gold goes better with your dress? or maybe silver.
Usually when a family member wants you to wear something for your Quinceanera day, they will let you know in advance so you can take that into account.
Because of course you will receive jewelry as a gift but you don’t necessarily have to wear it that day. But sometimes people will get you something special for you to wear that day and you can take that into account when you’re choosing your jewelry for the day of your Quinceanera.

Time to start thinking about and buying all the things that you are going to need for the ceremony and for the Quinceanera Traditions.
This is going to vary depending on the kind of ceremony you are going to have and the kind of traditions you will want to do for your Quinceanera.
For example, for your ceremony you might need a candle, a rosary, a Bible. Once again it depends on the kind of ceremony you are having. Talk to your Pastor or Priest or someone at the church who can guide you on this. Also, you can order all of this from Mexico and this takes time so make sure to order it now.
Maybe if you have like your Abuelita or your Primo that coming from Mexico, they can bring all those things for you.

Decide what Traditions you want to do at the reception, like: the crown, the doll or the last toy and the shoes.
Also, think on how you are going to present this. You can get like a pillow or sometimes they come with a cute box. For the last toy, especially if you choose a plush teddy bear or something like that; I think it looks super cute if you just bring it like that. But for the other things, just think how you are going to present the shoes or the crown
It’s time to start looking for all of that and start buying all those itmes.

It’s time to decide if you want to do a pre Quinceanera photo shoot and if you are doing a guest book or a large picture for the entrance.

It doesn’t mean that you need to do it like right now but it’s time to start scheduling this time with your photographer and deciding on the outfit.
If you want to wait until you have your Quinceanera dress and take your pre Quinceanera photos wearing your dress or if you want to wear a different outfit.

If you’re not sure what a pre Quinceanera photo shoot is, check out this blog post where I explain to you everything about a pre Quinceanera photo shoot.
At this point you’re gonna be contacted by the Hall or your catering company and you are going to start doing your tastings and selecting the menu for the reception dinner.

This is the perfect time to start thinking about what kind of party favors you want to give, especially if you want to have personalized party favors. There are so many ideas, once again you can check on Pinterest.

You will also want to start thinking about your baby pictures slideshow. Do you want to have one? or not at all?
If you want to do it, now it’s the time to start looking for all those super cute pictures

That’s it for this part on the blog series on how to plan your Quinceanera. Thank you so much for reading the blog and I hope you have a great Quinceanera!